Leaking refrigerant is a frustrating issue when it comes to your heat pump. It can adversely affect your heat pump’s efficiency and your comfort. Read on to find out about a few signs you can tell your heat pump is leaking refrigerant in your Webster Groves, MO home.
Parts of Your Heat Pump Freeze
The freezing could occur inside or outside. Inside, the ice would generally form on the evaporator coil. If the ice forms outside, it would be on the condenser coil.
A refrigerant leak causes freezing because the lack of refrigerant interferes with the heat transfer process. The components wind up getting too cold and freezing over.
Your Monthly Bill Goes Up
A system with low refrigerant must work harder to reach your desired temperature. With ice forming on one or both coils, the system has to work even harder, and all that extra energy costs more.
You Hear Hissing Noises
Often, the holes in the line are so small and nearly undetectable without the right type of testing equipment. Leaks will hiss and bubble, so if you hear either of those noises, then it’s time to have an expert perform a repair service.
Short Cycling
Short cycling is when your heat pump turns on and shuts off again before completing a cycle. With the poor heat transfer that comes with low refrigerant levels, this happens because the system struggles to maintain the requested temperature.
Flat-rate pricing and a 100% satisfaction guarantee are just two of the perks you get when you hire us to help you with your heat pump. We’ll even give you a warranty on all labor we perform. When you need heat pump repairs or ongoing preventive maintenance, call us at C & G Heating & Cooling to set up an appointment in Webster Groves, MO.
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