Your air conditioner has several sensors that monitor different conditions to regulate the temperature of your Kirkwood, MO home. When one of these sensors malfunctions, it can cause your AC unit to operate inefficiently or even break down completely. Here are five common signs that indicate a faulty AC sensor.

1. Inconsistent Cooling

If you notice that some rooms in your home are significantly cooler or warmer than others, it could be a sign of a faulty sensor. Sensors help regulate airflow and temperature throughout your home. A malfunctioning sensor can disrupt this balance and lead to inconsistent cooling.

2. Frequent Cycling

A faulty sensor can cause your AC to cycle on and off frequently. This constant starting and stopping puts unnecessary strain on the compressor and can shorten the lifespan of your system. Additionally, frequent cycling prevents your home from reaching and maintaining a comfortable temperature.

3. Delayed Cooling

If your AC takes an unusually long time to start cooling your home, a sensor issue might be the culprit. Sensors provide essential information to the control system, which determines when to start the cooling process. A malfunctioning sensor can delay this process.

4. Error Codes

Modern air conditioners have diagnostic systems that can detect sensor problems and display error codes. If you see an error code on your display, it’s critical to contact a technician to diagnose the specific issue.

5. High Energy Bills

A faulty sensor can lead to increased energy consumption. When your AC operates inefficiently due to a sensor problem, it works harder to maintain the desired temperature and will result in higher energy bills. Monitor your energy consumption and look for any unusual spikes.

If you notice any of these five signs, contact an HVAC technician for help straight away. Reach out to C & G Heating & Cooling and schedule HVAC repair services to get your system back in proper working order.

Image provided by iStock

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